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Opening Ceremony
Host an opening ceremony! There should be arts and crafts so that the kids can form teams and create mascots/symbols for their selves and their teams. Provide music and streamers for a parade they can march to, as you announce each team. You can even have the kids create a national anthem for their team!
Inside Games

  • Discuss throwing (paper plates)
  • Basketball
  • Hula Hoop
  • Obstacle course
  • Tricycle race
  • Paper plane throwing

Outdoor Games

  • Three legged race
  • Tug of war
  • Potato sack race
  • Discus using Frisbees
  • Long jump and high jump
  • Jump rope competition
  • Cross country (mile run)
  • Relay races

Medal Ceremony/Closing Ceremony
Now comes the ending of the Olympic Games, which the kids will really look forward to. Make sure there are leveled boxes or standing areas for the kids to stand upon in the order of which they will receive their awards, based on the level of medals they receive as well. Plan to give every child some type of medal even if they did not win. Allow the kids to sing and march again. Provide pizza and cake at the end.
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