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Each School account comes with:

  • One teacher admin account
  • Unlimited teacher accounts
  • Unlimited Classrooms
  • X amount of students (per invoice)
  • X amount of language courses (per invoice)

A teacher-admin account can have only one owner (email address). If you need this ownership to be transferred to another email, please email us and we can change the email of the owner.

School Account Types:


They can,

  • Add, edit, remove students in the classroom.
  • Create or remove student assignments.
  • Adjust students grades in grade book.

They can’t;

  • Create, edit or remove classrooms or be assigned to a different classroom
  • Create, edit or remove classrooms
  • Increase or decrease the number of students in the classroom

Teacher admin:

They can create classrooms, teachers and students, increase or decrease student allocation and and they can do everything else that a teacher can.

Need help?

How to add, edit, remove classrooms, teachers, students, assignments, grade book and more, check our help site.


If you are a teacher and need assistance, please contact your teacher admin.

If you are a teacher admin and have questions; contact Dinolingo: administrator@dinolingo.com

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