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Popular children’s songs talk about animals, nature and fun activities that children like the world over. Here are the names of some popular songs that Jewish children enjoy:

A1 Kol Eileh
Amar Adon Kohelet
Ba Shana Ha Ba-a
Chevlei Mashiach
Eifo Hem Kol Avoteinu
Lach Yerushalayim
Laugh Oh Laugh/Sachki Sachki
Lu Y’hi
Nevel Mi Zahav
Shneeraleh, Peraleh
Sisu Et Yerushalayim
Utsu Eytsa
Y’varech’cha Hashem Mi Tzion
Yerushalayim Shel Zahav
Yihiye Tov

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Online Hebrew lessons for kids: dinolingo.com

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