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Norwegian People

Most people in Norway are Norwegians. The Norwegian language is related to German and early English. Norwegians can understand both […]

Norwegian Location

Norway is a country located in Northern Europe.  It is home to more than 4,600,000 people.  Norway borders the North

Latin Etiquette

When you meet someone or leave from any gathering, you should wish the people present a good day or good

Latin Travel Destinations

You can visit a few of the smaller towns of the region, explore some of the medieval ruins, go hiking

Latin Festivals and Holidays

There are many festivals in and around the region. Festa di Primavera is the Spring Festival.  There are a series

Latin History

The Italian word Lazio comes from the Latin word Latium.  Latini is the common language that’s spoken and passed on

Latin Cuisine

Vegetables are a very big part of everyone’s diet.  They are cooked with oil, herbs, and garlic.  Sometimes anchovies are

Latin Children’s Stories

The Romans believed in many different gods and goddesses.  Their collection of gods was called the Pantheon.  Latin stories were

Latin Children’s Songs

Latin children’s songs were a combination of lullabies, chants, finger plays, and rhymes.  The lyrics were about children’s toys and

Common Latin Names for Boys and Girls

Boys’ Names Boy’s names included Lucas, Abantiades, Zorian, Jovan, Ace, Bastian, Luke, Adrian, Andrew, Anthony, Luka, Magnus, Valentin, and Archilles.

Latin Early Education

Only children from wealthy families went to school.  Poorer families could not afford school and they needed their children home

Italian Travel Destinations

Rome is the capital of modern Italy. Rome is full of history everywhere you look. It has many ancient monuments,

Italian Children’s Songs

Some favorite children’s songs include: Una Casa Carina (A Crazy House) Ci son due coccodrilli (Two Crocodiles) Nella veccia fattoria

Italian History

By 500 B.C., Italy was shared by a number of groups.  Small Greek colonies were on the southern coast and

Italian Foods

Pizza is surely one of the most famous foods in Italy.   It is often baked in a wood-fired oven.  The

Italian People

How can you describe the Italian people?  Italians love sports.  Cycling, skiing, soccer and motor racing are some of their

The Italian Flag

The Italian flag is called a tricolor because it has three colors:  green, white and red.  Some Italians think that

About Italian Culture

Italy Geography Italy is a southern European country shaped like a boot. The country is nicknamed “Bel Paese” which means

Hindi Travel Destinations

Agra Agra’s Taj Mahal is one of the most famous buildings in the world and listed as one of the

History of India

The history of India goes back 75,000 years ago with the evidence of humans. The Indus Valley Civilization grew in

Hindi Sports and Leisure Time

Music and dance are important parts of India’s culture. Sports are popular as well.  Cricket is a favorite with the National

Hindi Culture

  Geography The Republic of India is a country in Asia.  It his home to more than one billion people!

Israel Travel Destinations

Israel has 67 national parks and 190 nature reserves.  The Israel National Trail is a hiking path that crosses the

Hebrew Children’s Songs

Popular children’s songs talk about animals, nature and fun activities that children like the world over. Here are the names

Common Hebrew Names for Boys and Girls

Boys’ Names The ten most popular boys’ names include Aaron (Aharon), Adam, Benjamin, Daniel, David, Jonathan (Y’honatan), Joseph, Joseph (Y’hoshua),

Jewish Origins of the culture

According to the Jewish sacred writings which became the Hebrew Bible, Jews are descended from the ancient people of Israel who settled in the

Greek Travel Destinations

Greece is famous for its many important archaeological sites and ancient monuments. It is a small country with a total

Common Greek Surnames

Throughout history, ancient Greeks did not have official last names, but they did have some patronymic characteristics (i.e., Achilles was Achilles

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