Ordering Process for Public Schools and School Districts in the US

Our school portal has been trusted by hundreds of teachers and thousands of students across the United States and globally. It is an effective language-learning tool, perfect for both classroom and remote learning environments.

Please note, our school website is a dedicated portal designed specifically with teachers in mind.

Step 1: Get a Price Quote

Visit our website here to request a quote. Simply enter the number of students and the languages you’re interested in. We can provide quotes for up to one million students. Once your request is submitted, you will receive your quote within 48 hours.

Step 2: Start Your Free Trial

If the price quote meets your expectations, you can begin a 14-day free trial. During this trial, you’ll have full access to our language-learning platform, enabling you to:

  • Add teachers, classrooms, and students
  • Start teaching right away

This is a great opportunity to evaluate our platform and ensure it meets the needs of your students and staff.

Step 3: Complete Necessary Paperwork

To streamline the ordering process, we provide the following essential forms:

  • W9 Form: Access and download our W9 form here.
  • Vendor Forms: (Optional) If your school or district requires a specific vendor form, please share the form or a link where we can access it. We handle these requests daily and will promptly complete and return the required documents within 48 hours.

Step 4: Submit Your Purchase Order (PO)

Once all paperwork is completed and your school or district has approved us as a vendor, you can submit your Purchase Order (PO). After receiving your PO, we will:

  • Extend your free trial from 14 days to a full year of access
  • Email the invoice to the designated contact at your school or district

Step 5: Make Your Payment

When the invoice is sent, you can either:

  • Mail a check, or
  • Pay online directly using the payment link provided on the invoice

Our address: 

Dino Lingo Inc.
30 Broad St. 14TH FL. #1454
New York, NY 10004


Please download our W9 form asap and send us the link to your district’s vendor application (if any). Dinolingo may already be an approved vendor in your district, but if not, simply forward us the application link, and we will complete it promptly.

If you have any questions about the school ordering process or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us at administrator@dinolingo.com.

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