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Japanese Children’s Song


ゆきやこんこ あられやこんこ
ふっては ふっては ずんずん つもる
やまも のはらも わたぼうし かぶり
かれき のこらず はなが さく

ゆきやこんこ あられやこんこ
ふっても ふっても まだふりやまぬ
いぬは よろこび にわ かけまわり
ねこは こたつで まるくなる

yukiyakonnko arareyakonnko
futteha futteha zunnzunn tsumoru
yamamo noharamo wataboushi kaburi
kareki nokorazu hanaga saku

yukiyakonnko arareyakonnko
futtemo futtemo madafuriyamanu
inuha yorokobi niwa kakemawari
nekoha kotatsude marukunaru

Snow and hail falling thickly,
Falling steadily and piling up,
The mountain and the plain are covered with a white cotton hat,
Bare trees are blooming

Snow and hail falling thickly,
Falling steadily and piling up,
They keep falling nonstop,
A happy dog is running around the yard joyously,
The cat is sleeping by the stove


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Online Japanese lessons for kids: dinolingo.com

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