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Hari Raya Aidilfitri;

Celebrated by a Malay Muslim people after one-month fasting. This is where all people will back to their home village to celebrate together with all families and friends. Also, food like lemang can be seen at this celebration.

Hari Raya Aidiladha / Haji;

Also been celebrated by a Malay Muslim people. This time, animal-like cow and goat will be sacrificed as a sign for gratitude to God. The sacrificed animal will be divided to other poor people as a charity.

Famous story

Si Tenggang

Ā Once upon a time, thereā€™s a village boy that lives in a tiny village near the beach. The boy called, si Tenggang. Si Tenggang lives with his mother. Theyā€™re poor and live in a hard way of life. Si Tenggang likes to eat goreng pisang made by his mother.

Time passes by, si Tenggang has grown up as a handsome young man. In the age of 18, si Tenggang works with a ship captain that landed on their beach. The ship captain like si Tenggang because heā€™s a hard-working person.

The ship captain invites si Tenggang to set sail with him to the sea. Si Tenggang interested with the offer and tell his mother about it.

Si Tenggangā€™s mom agreed to let him follow the ship captain, but she felt sad because, if he went out to the sea, she will live aloneā€¦

Itā€™s already been 7 years since si Tenggang left his own village, and the rumor spread out when si Tenggang now is a rich man and have a beautiful wife. He now landed to his home village. Si Tenggangā€™s mom feel very happy because she now can see his own son.

She cooked si Tenggang favorite food called goreng pisang and brought it to his ship. When si Tenggangā€™s mother arrives on the ship, she called him. But si Tenggang feels a shame to see his mother in a poor appearance in front of his wife and not admitted that she is his own mother.

Not just that, he kicks his own mother out of the ship. Si Tenggangā€™s mother felt really sad and crying. Heartbreaking with si Tenggang attitude that has changed, she requests to the GOD to turned si Tenggang and his entire ship into a stone.

There are storms and lightning at that time, and si Tenggang begging to his mother to forgive him, but itā€™s already too late, and si Tenggang has been turned into a stone, because of his rebellious to his own mother.


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