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There are many festivals in and around the region.

Festa di Primavera is the Spring Festival.  There are a series of concerts planned each year and tours to churches, monuments and places of historical interest are organized.

Natalie di Roma is the Birth of Rome celebration.  It is held on April 21st each year to celebrate the founding of Rome in 753 B.C. by Romolo.  There are ceremonies, beauty contests, Roman feasts, traditional dancing, gladiator battles, parades, and fireworks.

Sabaudia –Pasqua Degli Sportivi is a Sportsman’s Easter.  This annual event is a celebration of sportsmen and women who have performed extremely well during the year.  The event is attended by many athletes and coaches from the Province of Latina.  It ends with a mass in honor of the sports participants, the Annunziata Church in Sabaudia and an Easter blessing.

There are additional festivals to celebrate such as the Festival of the Sea in Terracina held in July and the Annual Festival of Parks-Nature and Fitness held throughout all of the parks in Rieti. The Festa del Sole, a Sun Festival is also held in Rieti. The Festival of Ancient Flavors held in Frosinone in celebration of the Feast Day of Madonna dello Spirito Santo, the Resta Della S.S. Croce in Pastena to celebrate the Feast Day of St. Elena, I Misteri di Santa Cristina in Bolsena for the martyrdom of Saint Cristian and the Processione di Santa Rosa in Viterbo in honor of the town’s patron saint, Saint Rose, are some of the festivals that are the area’s favorites.

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