Japanese Children’s Song
どんぐり ころころ
“どんぐり ころころ どんぶりこ
おいけに はまって さあ たいへん
どじょうが でてきて こんにちわ
ぼっちゃん いっしょに あそびましょう
どんぐり ころころ よろこんで
しばらく いっしょに あそんだが
やっぱり おやまが こいしいと
ないては どじょうを こまらせた
“donnguri korokoro donnburiko
oikeni hamatte saa taihenn
dojouga detekite konnnichiwa
bocchann isshoni asobimashou
donnguri korokoro yorokonnde
shibaraku isshoni asonndaga
yappari oyamaga koishiito
naiteha dojouwo komaraseta
donnguri korokoro naitetara
nakayoshi korisuga tonndekite
ochibani kurunnde onnbushite
isoide oyamani tsuretetta”
A Rolling Acorn
An acorn rolled down and down,
Suddenly fell into a pond.
Loaches came by the donburi
And said Let’s play together
The acorn enjoyed their company.
And played with them for a while
The acorn wanted to go back to the mountain.
The loaches were upset

Online Japanese lessons for kids: dinolingo.com