Croatian seems like a hard language to learn, but it’s not really. It’s easy to read because each letter is always read the same way.
When you are in Croatia, there are some common words and phrases you can use to get around, and they’re not too difficult to learn.
Greeting people depends on the time of the day. Before noon, you say “Dobro jutro”. Between noon and evening, you say, “Dobar dan”, and when the night falls, you say “Dobra večer”.
When you want to ask someone how he or she is doing, you ask “Kako si?” They can say they’re okay, “Dobro sam”.
When you give someone a book, for example, you can say here you go, or “Izvolite”. They will answer with “Hvala”, and that means thank you. “Nema na čemu” means you’re welcome.
When someone sneezes, you tell them “Nazdravlje!”
When you want to wish someone to enjoy their meal, you say “Dobar tek”.
If you want to apologize to something, you can say “Oprostite”, but most Croatian people will understand sorry as well. They watch a lot of American movies, so they started saying sorry instead of “Oprostite” even to each other.
Yes is “Da”, and no means “Ne”. When you want to say please in Croatian, you say “Molim”.

Online Croatian lessons for kids: