Filipino Cuisine
Influenced by Malay, Spanish, and Chinese cultures, Filipino cuisine is a melting pot of delicious delectable that even we in the United States can agree is a treat. Jackfruit (langka), coconut (buko), and palm nuts (kaong) are just a few must haves in Filipino cuisine. Rice and Cassava are popular sides, while some type of beef is typically a main dish because pork is considered taboo.
Filipino Desserts
1.) Riceballs with Coconut Milk
Ingredients: 1 cup of rice flour, 1 cup sugar, 3 cups coconut milk, 2 cups large pearl taioca, 1 ½ cups coconut cream, strips langka
Directions: 1. Blend the flour and water into dough, shape into small balls
2. In a pot, bring coconut milk to a boil. Stir in sugar and
Tapioca. Add rice balls.
3. Boil for 5 minutes, serve hot
2.) PichiPichi (steamed cassava cake)
Ingredients: 1 ½ cups grated cassava, food coloring, 1 cup sugar, 1 bundle pandon leaves, ½ tsp lye water, grated coconut
Directions: 1. Mix the sugar and pandon into water, until sugar is dissolved
2. Mix cassava, add lye water drop
3. Pour into bamboo steamer, mix until translucent
4. Scoop out cooled mixture, roll into grated coconut
3.) Puto Maya
Ingredients: 2 cups sweet rice (malagkit), 1 ½ cup grated fresh coconut, 1 ¼ cup of white sugar, 2 ¼ cups of water, 2 tbsp of butter
Directions: 1. Wash and rinse sweet rice at least two times
2. Add water, bring to a boil. When water has evaporated, lower
3. Cook for 5-10 minutes. Let it cool.
4. Mix ¾ cup of sugar and butter in, shape mixture into small balls
Around 1 ½ inches in diameter.
5. Roll balls into grated coconut.
Read moreSimple Recipes of the Philippines
Ingredients: 1.5 kg balbacua set (paa, balat, mukha, buntot), 1 sacket Del Monte tomato paste, 1 tbsp peanut butter, 2 tbsptausi, 2 pcs silingespada
Directions: – Simmer meat in 6 cups water until tender (1 hr, 15 min). Drain
And keep stock.
-Sautee Del Monte sandosenangsarap all in one seasoning, Del Monte
Tomato paste and peanut butter in tbsp oil. Add stock and 1/3 cup of
Water. Bring to a boil.
-Add cooked meat, tausi and sili. Season with 1 tsp salt. Simmer for
15 mins, serve.
Directions: – Marinate beef for 1 hour. Drain and reserve marinade. Fry in
¼ cuo of oil until brown. Keep oil in pan, set meat aside.
– Sautee onion. Add soy sauce, 1/8 tsp pepper, calamansi
Juice and marinade. Simmer, add beef and pineapple.
Simmer. Serve.
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