Bak Postaci Geliyor
Bak postacı geliyor
Selam veriyor
Herkes ona bakıyor
Merak ediyor
Çok teşekkür ederim
Postacı sana
Pek sevinçli haberler
Getirdin bana
Bu gün yalnız bu kadar
Yarın yine gelirim
Haydi git güle güle
Uğurlar olsun
Ellerin dert görmesin
Kısmetle dolsun
Look the postman is coming
Look the postman is coming
He’s greeting everyone
People are looking at him
And wondering(if he has any mail for them)
The kid:
Thank you very much
Mr. mailman
You gave me
Some great news
That’s it for today
Sorry about that
I will come again tomorrow
Don’t be concerned
The Kid:
Go back safe and sound
Enjoy your trip
Hope you stay healthy
(and) your job brings you luck

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