Japanese Children’s Song
どんぐり ころころ
ぽけっとの なかには
びすけっとが ひとつ
ぽけっとを たたくと
びすけっとは ふたつ
もひとつ たたくと
びすけっとは みっつ
たたいて みるたび
びすけっとは ふえる
そんな ふしぎな
ぽけっとが ほしい
そんな ふしぎな
ぽけっとが ほしい
pokettono nakaniha
bisukettoga hitotsu
pokettowo tatakuto
bisukettoha futatsu
mohitotsu tatakuto
bisukettoha mittsu
tataite mirutabi
bisukettoha fueru
sonnna fushigina
pokettoga hoshii
sonnna fushigina
pokettoga hoshii
Magical Pocket
There is one biscuit in a jacket pocket
By tapping on the pocket, it becomes two biscuits
By tapping again it becomes three biscuits
By tapping more and more it becomes many biscuits
I want a magical pocket on my own jacket
I want biscuits from such a magical pocket

Online Japanese lessons for kids: dinolingo.com