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Learning to sing traditional Portuguese children’s songs is a great way to have fun whole learning how to pronounce words. This is because most of them are written around playing with vowel sounds, making the verses light and easy to remember, even if some words don’t make much sense. They’re just fun syllables to teach how vowels work together.

Here are some examples of songs every kid in Portugal knows and loves to sing:

A saia da Carolina

A saia da Carolina

Tem um lagarto pintado

Carol’s skirt

Carol’s skirt

Has a painted lizzard

Sim Carolina ó-ió-ai

Sim Carolina ó-ai meu bem!

Yes Carol o-io-ai

Yes Carol o-my dear!

Tem cuidado ó Carolina

Que o lagarto dá ao rabo,

Be careful Carol

That lizzard wags its tail,

Sim Carolina ó-ió-ai

Sim Carolina ó-ai meu bem!

Yes Carol o-io-ai

Yes Carol o-my dear!

A Barata diz que tem

A Barata diz que tem

Um sapato de veludo!

The Roach says she has

The Roach says she has

A shoe made of velvet!

É mentira da Barata,

Ela tem o pé peludo.

Ha-ha-ha! He-he-he!

Ela tem o pé peludo!

It’s a lie from the Roach,

She just has a fuzzy foot.

Ha-ha.ha! He-he-he!

She just has a fuzzy foot!

Jardim da Celeste

Fui ao jardim da Celeste

Giroflé, giroflá!

Celeste’s Garden

I went to Celeste’s garden

Giroflé, giroflá!

E o que foste lá fazer?

Giroflé, flé, flá!

And what did you do there?

Giroflé, flé, flá!

Fui lá buscar uma rosa

Giroflé, giroflá!

I went there to get a rose

Giroflé, giroflá!

Para quem é essa rosa?

Giroflé, flé, flá!

É para a menina (Ana)

Giroflé, giroflá!

É para a menina (Ana)

Giroflé, flé, flá!

And who is that rose for?

Giroflé, flé, flá!

It’s for Little Miss (Ana)

Giroflé, giroflá!

It’s for Little Miss (Ana)

Giroflé, flé, flá!

In this song, the children are in a circle and name is the person who’s going to sing next, so it’s a fun game as well.

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Online Portuguese lessons for kids: dinolingo.com

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