Ukrainian folktales is a whole chapter in Ukrainian history. They easily keep track of how people lived, what kind of problems they had and how solved them. Ukrainian folklore is vividly described by a folktale. All the traditions, festivals and customs can be seen in the plots of fairytales. The Ukrainian national fairy tales exist for hundreds of years and have the special genre relevant to this day.

Tales are divided primarily on domestic stories, fairy tales and tales about animals. Life of Ukrainian families was represented in domestic tales. They colorfully described the housing of Ukrainians, clothing of adults and children, food preparation. Animal tales are close to domestic, but they tell us more about the good and evil, represented by the animals. A good example is a folktale “The cockerel and hen”.

The characters of Ukrainian fairy tales with soft irony overcome the evil, while teaching wicked people a lesson. A Ukrainian tale teaches children not to give up in the face of difficulties, be brave and kind. The Ukrainian fairy tale tells the kids about respect for parents and elderly.

Ukrainian fairy tales will be interesting for both small children and adults. The most popular and loved fairy tales are ” The dog and cat”, “Two friends”, “Sparrow and blade”, “The old man and cancer”, “The sorcerer”, “How a cat went with a fox to buy boots”, “How a fox professed the rooster”, “The goat and sheep”, “Cat and Cockerel”, “The Flying Ship”.

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