Ukrainian Music and Dance
The Ukrainian people also enjoy their traditional dances and dance games. A lot of them originated in rural villages and some of the oldest dances can be traced back to ancient times. Admiration of these dances is usually kept alive by Ukrainian dance troupes.
Ukrainian traditional music and musical instruments tell us about history of the people, their habits and life style, about the landscapes around. They also describe the rules of social life. These songs are a cultural treasure that has been preserved up to date. They can be classified in various genres: ritual and non-ritual songs, wedding songs, work songs.
There are various forms of instrumental folk music in Ukraine: solo performing on the pipe (flute), violin, bandura and ensemble playing primarily on the occasion of dance events. Instruments from Ukraine are sopilka, frilka, telenka, surma, volynka, duda, trembita, bandura, husli, skrypka.

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