Well, maybe…
At Dino Lingo, we are very interested in learning about other cultures. We know everyone has a favorite ethnic dish: Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Moroccan and so on. However, have you ever wondered about the most popular ethnic dish in the world??? We asked this question to our selves and checked it on Google in terms of monthly search queries.
Apparently, Chinese food is the most sought after keyword on Google followed by Mexican food and Indian food. Readers should note that these are global searches in English, not search queries sent from the US. Isn’t it interesting? After I finish writing this I can just go to the nearest takeout and order my favorite chicken fried rice, hmm yummy.
Ethnic Food Global Search Search in the US
Chinese food 1000000 823000
Mexican food 550000 450000
Indian food 450000 201000
Thai food 368000 201000
Italian food 246000 135000
Japanese food 201000 90500
French food 165000 74000
Greek food 135000 74000
Spanish food 110000 60500
Korean food 110000 49500
German food 90500 49500
Filipino food (recipe) 74000 27100
British food 60500 14800
Vietnamese food 60500 33100
Filipino food 49500 22200
Russian food 40500 27100
Irish food 40500 27100
Egyptian food 33100 14800
Turkish food 33100 9900
Polish food 33100 18100
Chinese food menu 33100 22200
Indonesian food 22200 6600
Arabic food 18100 8100
Persian food 18100 12100
Dutch food 18100 6600
ancient greek food 14800 6600
Italian food recipes 14800 6600
Portuguese food 14800 5400
Swedish food 14800 6600
Thai food recipes 14800 5400
Japanese foods 9900 4400
Danish food 8100 2900
Korean food recipes 6600 2900
traditional German food 4400 1900
traditional French food 4400 1300
Indian food menu 4400 1000
Filipino cuisine 4400 1600
traditional Greek food 2900 1000
Italian food list 2400 1000
history of Italian food 2400 1300
dutch food recipes 880 480
Hebrew food 720 480

Online Chinese lessons for kids: dinolingo.com